Company Policy - Regel Industrial - Engineering Material Handling - Automation & Lifting Equipment

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The Company ("ruled")  Policy

REGEL INDUSTRIAL surely cares about the Quality  its ENGINEERED and MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS as the majority of its competitors do  (or should do).
But whenever the  commercial/installation circumstances makes it possible and when Customers do  ask for this specific Service, REGEL INDUSTRIAL specifically aims to SERVE and  MAINTAIN the PRODUCTS that belong to its MANUFACTURING RANGE.

This challenging MISSION is achievable due to the  continuous, active cooperation of selected Experts in different key-fields such  as Engineering, Manufacturing, Expediting, Revamping, Maintenance and Logistics.  An enduring international combined experience makes the REGEL INDUSTRIAL teams  interventions smooth and effective.

Besides Quality and Service (in the way it's  described above) REGEL INDUSTRIAL offers an enduring Reliability to its  Partners.

"REGEL" means "rule" in  German: the Contracts that rule our daily activities are both clear  (i.e. geregelt, that means  “organized”, “well-ordered”…) and  User-Friendly, although  - before any written commitment - the REGEL  Network relies on a steady Word, on logical commitments and overall on human  bounds.

A Distributor, an Agent, a Dealer is with REGEL  INDUSTRIAL in Safe Hands, because Partners made us grow, grew at their time and  will keep on consolidating Values with us.
Bravely targeting to the future with an eye to  the records, to where we all come from, to who we are and have been: this is the  mainframe where “rules” should be shaped. And this is REGEL  INDUSTRIAL.

Ruling is a form of Respect, and  Respect is the fundamental part of the Ethic we share and we daily encourage to  spread in the daily business actions of all our Teams.
R = ruled
E =  exact
G =  granted
E =  ethic
L = loyal
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